Monday, August 14, 2017
School started way too early this year. Dave is in his 17th year of teaching. He is the technology Humanities teacher at Gragson ES.
I am in my 12th year of teaching as the Librarian at Hummel ES.
Camryn is a Freshman at Silverado HS. She is in Student Council and taking Spanish, theater, and lots of Honors classes this year.
Seth is a 6th grader at Schofield MS. He is also taking Honors classes and got into Intermediate band, due to his drumming experience.
We went to Blaze Pizza to celebrate making it through the 1st day.
Monday, August 28, 2017
Lex started a few weeks after we did. She is taking 18 credits and taking more social work classes this semester.

Lex and Kalli on their 1st day.