Monday, February 27, 2017
MisMatched Monday - The kids wore unmatching clothes and played a game where they had to guess what books were the teacher's favorites.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
On Top-it Tuesday, we wore hats and played Book Bingo.
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Wednesday was Wordy Shirt Wednesday. Seth wrote the beginning of a Harry Potter Book on his shirt and I put on words from the book Exclamation Mark. This was a 1st grader's shirt that was posted by her teacher online. It was my favorite.
Wednesday was Wordy Shirt Wednesday. Seth wrote the beginning of a Harry Potter Book on his shirt and I put on words from the book Exclamation Mark. This was a 1st grader's shirt that was posted by her teacher online. It was my favorite.
Our school won an author assembly with the author of the Exclamation Mark book - Tim Lictenheld. He has co-authored many books and was a lot of fun. He had the kids sing along to one of his books, he read several others, and he created a cool illustration based on a story that the students made up as we went along.
It was also Librarian's Day. I got sweet cards and gifts from the Kindergarten and 3rd grade teachers. It was great to be thought of.
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Thursday was Character Day - I was Hermione from Harry Potter and Seth was Mike from Echo (a Battle of the Books book). These are a few cute 1st graders. We had a Poem in my Pocket activity, where students went to the courtyard to read poems to each other.
Thursday was Character Day - I was Hermione from Harry Potter and Seth was Mike from Echo (a Battle of the Books book). These are a few cute 1st graders. We had a Poem in my Pocket activity, where students went to the courtyard to read poems to each other.
Friday, March 3, 2017
Friday was Relax and Read Facts Day - PJs and NonFiction books.
Friday was Relax and Read Facts Day - PJs and NonFiction books.
We had other rewards for students - if they read and participated in the activities they filled out a chart to win a little prize and a book.
I was able to track how many words kids read, through AR. I sent a goal to have the students read 3,00,000 words. If they made their goal, they would be able to pie two teacher's faces. They read close to 5,000,000 words. The kids choose Ms. McLeod (4th Grade) and Ms. Sanchez (GATE). They were good sports.
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