Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Ethnicity Reveal

Sunday, March 5, 2017

We have always wondered about Alexis' ethnicity. We knew her mom was Basque (basically gypsy), but did not have any information about her biological father. She stopped by my parent's house on the way back to school after Thanksgiving and they talked her into getting a DNA test. My mom had recently done it and they were so curious, they offered to pay for it. Lex had to fill up a little vial with spit and send it into the lab. The results came back a few months later, but only Dave and I saw them and we kept it a secret. When Lex came for Spring Break we had a little Ethnicity Reveal Party. When people arrived, they wrote their guesses on this poster (some people texted their guesses in). Bo guessed she was Mexican and they dressed the part.


We had bought a few items that represented, Lex's newly found heritage, and wrapped them up with the DNA results.


We had her open the package and she found out that she is 27% Native American, 24% British, and 16% Iberian Peninsula (gypsy). 

We had gotten her a dream catcher tshirt, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, and turquoise jewelry.


She took lots of pictures and had Indian Fry Bread with lots of toppings - butter, honey, jams. Dave had also stopped at the Reservation on the way home from the Man Trip and had gotten fireworks, which we set off when the wind died down. It was our big finale on a fun night.


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