Thursday, July 28, 2016

End of the Year

Friday, May 20, 2016

Lex needed a picture of her last day of High School.  It all went by so fast. 

 She also got a picture with one of her favorite teachers, Ms. Roybal, her Journalism teacher and Julissa, who she spent quite a bit of time helping in Journalism. The even got an award for all their "collaboration".


She also took a group photo with a good portion of the Senior Class.

Seth had one last dress up day - Career Day.  He would like to create movies, so he dressed as an old time director.  A few days later Seth had an end of the year awards ceremony. I missed seeing him receive the awards, but was able to take a picture with him at the end.  He got A/B Honor Roll, a Citizenship Award, a Storytelling Award, and a BUG Award - for Bringing Up Grades.


Cam had her own end of the year fun that night.  The middle school carpool kids (Conner, Courtnie, and Olivia). came over to burn their Springboard Workbooks. The books' ink made an eerie green flame and we could smell chemicals around our house for a few days.

We were all happy to see the school year wrap up.

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