Saturday, August 29, 2015

Lex's Luau

Monday, July 13, 2015

Lex's birthday was one of the few days she was in town that month. I had her pose with the dress she was wearing when we met her. She has come a long way from that fiesty 2 1/2  year old we met that day.

Lex spent the day with Robby. He took her to breakfast and to The Secret Garden to see the tigers at the Mirage. They also tried to go ice skating but it was closed. Grandma Hill and Robby cam over for dinner - Parmesan crusted chicken. Lex and her friends went to the drive-ins that night. 

At the end of the night, Lex and Robby decided it was time to break-up, so he could prepare to go on his mission in September.  Their plan is to stay friends and see what happens when he gets back.

Friday, July 31, 2015

It took a few weeks after her birthday for us and the majority of her friends to all be in town, but we were finally able to have a birthday party for Lex. She wanted a luau themed party and luckily our neighbor was going to be out of town and he let us use their amazing backyard. I made this Tiki cake for her.

We also had pasts salad, fruit, buckets of chips and crackers, and ham sliders. We planned a few games but never got around to them.

The kids (particularly the boys) spent almost the whole time running and jumping into the pool from the porch roof. My job was to make sure they didn't do anything too dangerous.

We set up a photo booth that may have been cuter during the day.

Lex, Maggie, Sydney, Chase, Jamie

Lex and Taz                                      Lex & James

                              Alan, Lex, Colton, Robby                               Adam

                         Lex and Andrea                                                          Sam and Lex

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