Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Field Day & Battle of the Books

Friday, April 24, 2015

We had Field Day in April and with the strange weather we had this Spring, I actually wore a jacket!

Several kids in Seth's class had earned their AR bandannas and wore them out to Field Day - they looked pretty tough.

Coach Andrews had asked the kids to bring white shirts that they could decorate.  I helped run the shirt decorating table with the art teacher, Mrs. Morse. I was able to sneak off and take pictures of Seth through out the morning.

The afternoon included a softball game between teachers and 5th graders and the Kona Ice Truck. It was a fun, cool day.

That evening my winning Battle of the Books team met at Walker ES to Battle other schools.  The students had all read the same 8 books and played a Jeopardy-like game to test their knowledge of the books. This was my first time and Hummel's first time participating, so we didn't do too well. We learned a lot and will try again next year.

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