Saturday, May 23, 2015
The Shafers organized another camping trip with some of the families in our Ward. We drove down to Flagstaff and rolled into town just in time to grab some lunch and watch Zach play. He was in Flagstaff for a tournament.

We drove about 20 miles south of Flagstaff to our campsite. We got things all set up and just hung around our camp. The Goons, the Osburns, the Shafers, the Stanleys, the Zezulkas (and their cousins) were all there. We had our dinners and just hung out around our campfire that night. Taz and Lex kept trying to get a kids fire set up so all the little ones would stop trying to sing and tell scary stories.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
We went on a hike Sunday morning. We had to park across the street to avoid paying a fee and we tried to hike to a better place to cross the road. We ended up just making a run for it.
As we hiked, there were cool rock formations across the valley.
The plan was to hike to the river but we saw some signs to to go a bridge and we did that instead.
We hiked back to the road and ran across again. It was kinda freaky with car coming around the bend.
Lex and Taz opted out of the group hike and went on a hike of their own.
After lunch we went back the the river and this time hiked down to it. The water was pretty cold.
Lex and Taz climbed up to the highest cliff jumping point. They got Seth to jump too, but from a lower spot.
Lex and Seth then went on to the higher jump! They tried to get Cam to jump too. It took a lot of cajoling form Heather but she finally jumped!
We got back to the camp and survived a downpour while we made dinner. Our dutch oven chicken was cook perfectly until the liner caught on fire and burned it! We just ate around the burnt part. We hosted a group campfire again that night and tried to get kids fire started again. It worked a little better this time. The youngest kids went to the fire at the Zezulka's camp.
Monday, May 25, 2015
The next morning we took down the camp. Lex was "working hard" when she found this little guy.
Kim really wanted to go to the Javelina Cantina and see the javelinas that roam in the wild near the restaurant. We got there too early to eat and did not see any actual javelinas, but we checked out the artsy stores in the shopping center and took some cute pictures.
We stopped in Flagstaff for lunch at a yummy BBQ place while some heavy hail came down then headed home. We had a great trip until the last 5 minutes, when everyone began to argue. The rest of the weekend was such a good time with good friends.