Friday, May 14, 2010
The boys headed off to the father and Son Camp Out on Friday afternoon. We started out boyless festivities by taking Alexis to the doctor for a shot. A mistake had been made when she was a baby and they had given her some of her shots too close together. They had to be redone or she wouldn't be able to return to school. It only took them 7 years for them to find the mistake!
Then I let the girls pick where we would go to dinner. They chose IHOP. Alexis loves pancakes and Camryn is quickly learning that you can order chicken nuggets almost anywhere. They girls were actually getting along and we had a nice time.
We got back home just in time. I went to see Letter to Juliet with Chris and her girls, Mom, and Grandma. Andrea came with me and left her little girl for Alexis to babysit. It worked out great because Alexis needed the money. The movie was really cute - but the last scene just oozed with cheesiness!

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