Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Tuesday was Camryn's 7th birthday. She wanted to take treats for her class at school and to her Hollywood Kids class. Hollywood Kids are putting on a production of Beauty and the Beast next month, so when we saw these chocolate molds we wanted to make them. The molds actually coat Oreo cookies. The rose ones went to Hollywood Kids and the other flowers went to school.
I ordered Camryn's gift from Amazon and it came in this ginormous box. I wrapped up the box in comic paper, so Cam could open it, because really, how many times in life will she get to open a present this big. (I qualified for free shipping - thank goodness. Really how much do you think they would have charged me?)
Still unwrapping!
Finally, she got to the gift. A blue student sized guitar. No, she doesn't know how to play and no, we are not getting her lessons at this time. She just really wanted it and not knowing how to play will not stop her from strumming her loudest at 6:30 in the morning. Besides, "What would Jerry do?" "He would play, man, he would play." (lines from Runaway Bride)
Love the movie quote and Cam's face is priceless!