Monday, April 10, 2017
We kicked off Spring Break with a trip to GVR for midnight breakfast. We ended up driving out to Meidra Canyon at 2:00 in the morning to taking one of Cam's friends home and a rabbit jumped out at us. We hit it!
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
The Schultz Family came to visit Vegas, all the way from North Carolina. We spent the day hiking in Red Rock. I thought we were going early enough in the year to see some water in Ice Box Canyon, but all we saw were a few puddles. We had a good visit, catching up and remembering the old days.

Zack & Cam Seth

Tim, Megan, Sarah, Zack, Seth, Cam, & Dave
Thursday, April 13, 2017
We took an impromptu trip to California to watch an Angels game. Seth is on the Angels in Little League this season. We had thought to go see a game this summer, but when our cabin plans got canceled, we planned this. We drove down fairly early, so the kids mostly slept all the way there.
We had pretty awesome seats, just above 3rd base. The game was not great. The Rangers were ahead the whole game, with the Angels not even scoring until the last inning. The game ended 8-3, Rangers. We did enjoy yelling out the player's names - Jefry (Jeff-fry) and Pulhoul (poo-hole).
After the game, we drove across town (which took forever) to Griffith Observatory. We parked below and hiked up to the top. The views of the city were amazing!
It was fun to see the iconic site. There were several scenes there in Cam's new favorite movie, LaLa Land.
We got tickets for the planetarium show. The lady narrating the show was very dramatic.
After the show, we stood in line for a little over an hour to look through the big telescope. Not everyone (Cam) was on board to wait in line. It was still pretty light out when we got to the front of the line, but we could still see Beetle-guise, a star 640 Light Years away. Of course, it looked like a tiny, red dot. The kids found this pretty disappointing and wanted to leave, but we hurried through a few exhibits.
We drove to the nearby House of Pies and had some dinner - and PIE! My Lemon Meringue was delicious. I ate it so fast, I didn't get a picture.
We drove toward home and stayed at a hotel in Rancho Cucamonga and slept in a bit before driving back to Vegas. We got some donuts for the ride home.
Friday, April 14, 2017
We had planned to watch Bo's kids that night, so we saved our egg decorating for our Wally Time. Chris asked Cam and I to go to a play at the last minute, so we just rushed through a few eggs. Bo had brought some for his kids to hunt too, but we had to take off.
We saw An American in Paris with Chris and Chase. We loved all the dancing and thought the costumes at the end had a very Hot Dog on a Stick vibe. We thought we Jewish piano player was cuter and funnier. We were a little sad that the girl ended up with the Gene Kelly type artist guy.
Saturday, April 15, 2017
On Saturday, we wanted to do a bit of an egg hunt. So we had Seth hide 3 eggs for Cam and Cam find 3 eggs for Seth. we timed them hunting for the eggs. the one who found them the fastest got to choose where we went for dessert. Cam won!
Lee had invited us for swimming, BBQ, and an MMA fight. We got Zach and headed across town. The kids had a good time in the pool and Lee educated me about MMA. The ribs were good and I had brought a few salads (pasta and orange jello) that got totally scarfed down.
Cam got to pick our dessert on the way home so we ended up at Crepe Shack - ice cream cones that use crepes instead of cones and add fruit and other fun toppings inside. We tried to play Jenga there, but too many blocks were missing and they were all written on. Zach tried calling a few of the numbers on the blocks - it did not go well.
Sunday, April 16, 2017

Cam & Seth Easter Sunday