Friday, December 11, 2015


Saturday, October 31, 2015

The kids are finally old enough to do most of the pumpkin carving for themselves.  I especially enjoyed having them scrap out the pumpkin guts! I did bake the seeds for them.

While we no longer have a family theme, the kids still find someone to dress up with.

Seth wanted to be Leonardo diVinci, so he nominated me to be his Mona Lisa.

Cam was Harley Quinn and she dressed up with Heather S., who was the Joker.

Lex was Lava Girl and Taz was her Shark Boy.

Apparently, sharks roar.

The Jenkins Cousins and Taz

The Cousins joined us for our Trunk or Treat, Wally was definitely the cutest.

The Middle School Crowd
Kevin, Olivia, Heather, Chloe, Cam, Kimber, Kaitlyn, Tyler
Zack, and Clinton

Kyler, Seth, and Kade

Dave and Don manned the grill.

After the Trunk or Treat the kids went trick-or-treating around the Jex's neighborhood, then around ours.

Then I took the Shafers, Zach, and the Littles to the pirate house. The house is decorated so authentically, they should work for Disney.

Lex went to the annual Halloween party at the Eddington's, which is in the same neighborhood as the pirate house. We ran into them in line and went through the house with them.

Andrea, Lex, Kenzie

After the pirate house, I was done.

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