It is not enough to be busy: so are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?
-Henry David Thoreau
Saturday, March 10, 2012
We are constantly running from one activity to another. This Saturday I barely had time to get out of the car - I just traded kids as I pulled up in the driveway.
Alexis had a game, we beat USA 4-0! We are having a great Spring season so far. It is awesome to see the girls doing so much better against the teams we played this fall. They have come a long way.

Then I went to help with the end of the Activity Day Camp. Our ward was in charge of service. The girls made fleece blankets to donate and wrote letters to missionaries. Camryn had a good time with Heather and Emma from our ward.

We didn't have time to go home so I met up with Dave at the movie theater and had him take Camryn home (her backtalking got her in trouble the night before so she couldn't go to the movie) and I took Seth to see The Lorax. He loved it.

I stopped by the house long enough to cut Seth's hair, then Dave and I went to see John Carter, definitely a Dave movie, and went to Roadrunners for dinner.

It was a long, busy day, but it was spent with the family. A good thing to be busy about.