Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Wednesday night we decided to make S'mores. The kids always have a hard time waiting for the coals to be ready. We hung out around the fire and the kids just acted silly.
We finally got the S'mores going and the kids mostly just caught their marshmallows on fire, rather than using the coal to make them a toasty golden brown.

When we were down to the last marshmallow, Chase and Cam both wanted it. I told them whoever finished the S'more they were eating first could have it. The race was on. Chase won!
Thurday, June, 24, 2010
Thursday morning we walked down to the "park", which is the Marshall's cabin. The Marshalls have a cool fort, swing set, and horseshoe pit. We took horseshoes and had a little tournament. Dave killed everyone, then we got a chance to play against each other. It was pretty fun. Camryn had some of the wildest throws, but no one got hurt.
When we were down to the last marshmallow, Chase and Cam both wanted it. I told them whoever finished the S'more they were eating first could have it. The race was on. Chase won!
Thurday, June, 24, 2010
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