Camryn - The First and Last Day of Kindergarten

Camryn had a Promotion Ceremony the last week of school. Each child said their little part and they sang little songs that demonstrated what they learned this year. Camryn did great and said her line perfectly.
Camryn received this certificate for completing Kindergarten. She had a great year. Mrs. Schott is an awesome teacher and Camryn learned so much. She loves to write (this week I found a notebook in her room that had a fan letter she had written Nick Jonas in it!) and she is starting to read books like Green Eggs and Ham.
Alexis - The First and Last Day of 5th Grade

Alexis also had a Promotion Ceremony. She had a wonderful year also. Mrs. Anderson was fun and really a great teacher. Alexis showed a lot of improvement in her reading and writing. At the ceremony, Mrs. Anderson talked about how quiet Alexis is - I guess she should see her at home. Alexis is moving on to Middle School. That is making me feel really old.
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