On the way to Kanab, we stopped in St. George to grab some Subway and go to the temple. Apparently, there are Subways on every corner in very town in America, except Bluff Street and that Main Street in St. George. we opted for Wendy's, but then saw subways every 5 minutes the rest of the trip. The kids enjoyed the Temple Visitor's Center, my brother Bo and I particularly loved the exhibit about families, that reminded us of the episode of Gilmore Girls when the town created a really creepy museum.

We had tried to have a theme for the reunion (The Ford Reality Reunion), but it didn't really catch on. The first night we had Ford Idol. my BIL's and Cousin Laura were the judges and did their best impressions of Randy, Paula, and Simon ( with Bo wearing a REALLY tight white shirt. My girls sang and danced and Camryn won the competition for her singing of You're a Grand Ol' Flag. She got a 100 Grand (candy bar). After the talent show and a really bad Sing-along, the Dad beat the tar out of their kids, in a game of Dodge Ball.

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