The first Sunday of December is a big night for my family.
We get together to watch the 1st Presidency Christmas Devotional. I love to hear our Church leaders speak. I especially love to hear from President Uchtdorf. I must admit I have a little crush on him - he's got the whole accent, hair, an pilot thing going for him. A few weeks ago my mom took him on a tour of Cove Fort - I was a little jealous!
We also celebrate Ryan's birthday. I made one of his favorite dinners, we call it Noodle Mac. It is just macaroni noodles with hamburger meat and and tomato sauce. We ate then finished watching the devotional.
Next it was time to make gingerbread houses. My mom always made it from scratch, but with her gone this year, we decided on buying kits. Each family worked on theirs. There was't a lot of candy in the kits, but it still turned out pretty cute. Our neighbors, Danny and Garrick were over and they helped out.
Somehow, the kids started an arm wresting contest. It was highly encouraged by the dads. I'm so glad the kids can look to them as examples of maturity.
Later, we went to Ryan's to watch Amazing Race and have treats, like we do every week. Good times, noodle salad.
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