Tuesday, August 2, 2011

In this bright future, you can't forget your past. - Bob Marley

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

We got up early on Tuesday morning and heading off on our week-long adventure in Utah. Our first stop was Cove Fort, to visit Grandma & Grandpa. When we got there, we ate our picnic lunch, then Grandma took us to the wood shop to show us where they make the sharing toys (pioneer yoyos). The Brother working there made a little vase for the girls and a whistle for Seth. We started the tour, but they got so busy with other visitors, we were asked to come back later.

We went to the trailer to wait for Grandma & Grandpa to finish their shift, and played games in the lawn between trailers. When they got back we headed back to the fort. It was funny to have my parents do the tour and listen to them slip into their missionary voices.

In the barn there was a salt lick, which of course, Camryn had to try out and Seth had to follow her lead. Gross!

The tour was interesting and the kids were pretty into listening about how life was back in the day.

After the tour and dinner, we went geocashing with Grandpa. Camryn didn't want to go until we told her it was like a treasure hunt. We found three cashes and I think she was a little disappointed that there wasn't any actual treasure. It was still fun though. We headed back to the trailer to visit and have a pretty uncomfortable night's sleep.

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