Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Pretend That . . .
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The Hunt is On
Saturday, April 3rd
On Saturday morning, we saw that the Easter Bunny hadn't been by. Lee's neighbors came over and the moms took the kids for a walk so the bunny could get to work. When we got back, we were ready to hunt eggs.

There were plastic eggs filled with candy and some real eggs and best of all - confetti eggs. They are real egg shells filled with paper confetti and sealed with tissue paper. They look like regular dyed eggs. When the kids figured out these were confetti eggs they started chucking them at each other - pretty hard. Lex even got Dave! It was fun.

After the hunt, we packed up and drove back to Vegas. We were so ready to be home and thankful that it was Conference weekend, so we could really rest before getting back to our regularly scheduled life.
On Saturday morning, we saw that the Easter Bunny hadn't been by. Lee's neighbors came over and the moms took the kids for a walk so the bunny could get to work. When we got back, we were ready to hunt eggs.
The Best Easter Pageant Ever
Friday, April 2nd
On Friday morning, we drove back to Tuscon. We rested for a few hours, then headed back on the road to Mesa for the Easter pageant at the temple. Lee was going with the YM and YW in his ward, so we just followed them. We took Caden with us and left Seth with Aunt Melissa Austin, and Mason. They decorated eggs and watched The Chipmunks Squeakuel.
The Pageant was in a field on the temple grounds. It depicted the life of Christ. It was pretty good, but we thought the part where Mary started doing a ballet number right after she had Baby Jesus was kinda funny.

Someone kept driving by, roaring their motorcycle's engine, trying to disrupt the play. They weren't nearly loud enough. That was a first - being protested by with a motorcycle.
On Friday morning, we drove back to Tuscon. We rested for a few hours, then headed back on the road to Mesa for the Easter pageant at the temple. Lee was going with the YM and YW in his ward, so we just followed them. We took Caden with us and left Seth with Aunt Melissa Austin, and Mason. They decorated eggs and watched The Chipmunks Squeakuel.
Someone kept driving by, roaring their motorcycle's engine, trying to disrupt the play. They weren't nearly loud enough. That was a first - being protested by with a motorcycle.
Dinner and a Movie
Thursday, April 1st
We ate lunch on the road again and drove into Las Cruces. We found a place to stay and went to see How To Train Your Dragon. The kids deserved it for being so good all week. It was a pretty cute movie. We all liked it.

We wanted to find a place to eat that we didn't have in Vegas. The place we found on the Internet was actually closed, and a bit scary looking. We found a place called Dickey's BBQ Pit nearby and we were intrigued by it's barn-like appearance. It was pretty much like Famous Dave's and just what we needed after all the fast food. Actually, it was better than Famous Dave's because it had a giant pickle jar by the condiments for before dinner and soft serve ice cream for after dinner.

When we got back to the hotel, Seth showed us how he learned to blink. He still needs to work on only using one eye.
We ate lunch on the road again and drove into Las Cruces. We found a place to stay and went to see How To Train Your Dragon. The kids deserved it for being so good all week. It was a pretty cute movie. We all liked it.
When we got back to the hotel, Seth showed us how he learned to blink. He still needs to work on only using one eye.
Nature Trail to Hell
Thursday, April 1st
Thursday, we got up early so we could get to Carlsbad Caverns first thing. We walked down to the cave entrance and all these birds were flying around. They kinda creeped me out, I may have preferred the bats to be flying around.

Thursday, we got up early so we could get to Carlsbad Caverns first thing. We walked down to the cave entrance and all these birds were flying around. They kinda creeped me out, I may have preferred the bats to be flying around.
We followed the switchbacks down into the caverns. It got darker and darker. Seth was a little freaked out at first, but he eventually got used to it.
The caverns smelled a little urinish, but we got used to that too. We were asked to use our "library voices", but we had to test out the echo with some "Hello!"s and a few show tunes. It took about an hour the get down to the "Big Room".
Deep in the Heart of Texas
Tuesday, March 30th - Wednesday, March 31st
We slept in a bit on Tuesday, then went to visit Pappy at his nursing home. It was good to see him. He got a kick out of how big the kids were and asked them all about their activities. Next we went to this park with a bumpy slide. The kids loved this slide and went down it over and over.

We went back to the motel and ate lunch and took a nap - Seth was starting to cough and needed to rest. We visited Pappy again and while we were there Uncle Bill showed up. He told us he was going to the HS baseball game so we decided to join him. The DC Mustangs started out strong, a kid even hit a home run, but then things went downhill. The kids went across the street to the park. When they got back and were bored out of their minds - the game got called because the Mustangs were losing so badly. We took Bill to dinner at Dairy Queen, then went back to the house to visit with Jay and Bill.

Wednesday, we spent more time with Pappy and the uncles. The uncles loved showing us pictures and took us to the cemetery. After visiting Pappy one last time, we took off heading to Carlsbad.

We slept in a bit on Tuesday, then went to visit Pappy at his nursing home. It was good to see him. He got a kick out of how big the kids were and asked them all about their activities. Next we went to this park with a bumpy slide. The kids loved this slide and went down it over and over.
We went back to the motel and ate lunch and took a nap - Seth was starting to cough and needed to rest. We visited Pappy again and while we were there Uncle Bill showed up. He told us he was going to the HS baseball game so we decided to join him. The DC Mustangs started out strong, a kid even hit a home run, but then things went downhill. The kids went across the street to the park. When they got back and were bored out of their minds - the game got called because the Mustangs were losing so badly. We took Bill to dinner at Dairy Queen, then went back to the house to visit with Jay and Bill.
Wednesday, we spent more time with Pappy and the uncles. The uncles loved showing us pictures and took us to the cemetery. After visiting Pappy one last time, we took off heading to Carlsbad.
On the Road Again
Monday, March 29th

On Monday we got up and got back on the road - we had to drive all the way to Denver City. We stopped at a rest stop to make turkey sandwiches - which we had for lunch pretty much every day on this trip (we are now boycotting turkey sandwiches for a while). There was a sign that said "Beware Snakes", so we kept trying to freak everyone out by saying we heard a snake or that they wanted to eat Sethie for lunch. We also started playing The Circle Game from the show Malcolm in the Middle. You have to try to get someone to look into a circle made with your fingers below your waist. If they look, you get to punch them. We got back in the car and kept on driving. We finally pulled into Denver City around 8:00 pm. I could smell it - the pump jacks and oil make the whole town kinda stinky. It was the longest day ever!
On the Wings of Love (Well, Dave Loved it)
Friday, March 26th - Sunday, March 28th
On Friday, we left town as soon as everyone was home from school. We set up Seth and Camryn in the back with a laptop to watch movies on and I sat in the middle and watched movies with Alexis. Dave drove and listened to Harry Potter books on his iPod. We drove straight through, eating pizza in the car for dinner and arriving at Lee's house late. We all headed straight to bed.
Saturday, Lee went and got donuts and then we all headed to The Pima Air and Space Museum. It was a lot of air and very little (very lame) space. We saw a Blackbird - the fastest plane and B52's - which inspired Dave and I to sing a very pitchy Rock Lobster. We also saw the Air Force One used by Kennedy and Johnson. It was pretty cool. Dave especially loved it.

On Friday, we left town as soon as everyone was home from school. We set up Seth and Camryn in the back with a laptop to watch movies on and I sat in the middle and watched movies with Alexis. Dave drove and listened to Harry Potter books on his iPod. We drove straight through, eating pizza in the car for dinner and arriving at Lee's house late. We all headed straight to bed.
Saturday, Lee went and got donuts and then we all headed to The Pima Air and Space Museum. It was a lot of air and very little (very lame) space. We saw a Blackbird - the fastest plane and B52's - which inspired Dave and I to sing a very pitchy Rock Lobster. We also saw the Air Force One used by Kennedy and Johnson. It was pretty cool. Dave especially loved it.
Melissa made yummy Chicken Parmesan for dinner and the neighbors came over to watch a Pay Per View UFC fight. There was a lot more hugging and a lot less Kung Fu than I expected.
Sunday, we went to church with the cousins and hung out around the house. Those boys were rough - always wrestling and running around. Seth and Cam loved spending time with the cousins their age. Lee made London Broil for dinner and then we helped him catch up on the shows he had TiVoed.
Sunday, we went to church with the cousins and hung out around the house. Those boys were rough - always wrestling and running around. Seth and Cam loved spending time with the cousins their age. Lee made London Broil for dinner and then we helped him catch up on the shows he had TiVoed.
The Sound of Music
Sunday, March 21st
Alexis got a keyboard for Christmas, along with the promise of piano lessons. She started at the beginning of January. She takes lessons from Sister Jex, my mom's piano teacher, on Thursday afternoons. We planned a joint recital for my mom and Alexis. We started off with a family birthday dinner, then Sister Jex came for the recital.
Mom played a few numbers, followed by Alexis playing a few simple songs. She did a good job and is quickly working her way through her beginning piano books.
We finished off the night with my mom playing "You Light Up My Life", as we all sang along. We were pretty terrible. Ryan and I always tease my mom about her playing that so much when we were kids - we still know the words! It was pretty funny, my family has to be some of the most tone deaf people in the world.
Alexis got a keyboard for Christmas, along with the promise of piano lessons. She started at the beginning of January. She takes lessons from Sister Jex, my mom's piano teacher, on Thursday afternoons. We planned a joint recital for my mom and Alexis. We started off with a family birthday dinner, then Sister Jex came for the recital.

The Mini Man Trip
Thursday, March 11th - Monday, March 15th
Every President's Day weekend the men in our family go to the cabin for their Man Trip. This year Grandpa Jenkins and Uncle Lee decided to take the boy cousins up in March for a Mini Man Trip. On Thursday they spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa Jenkins house, so they would be ready to go in the morning. They had to use a snow mobile to get to the cabin from the road.
The snow was so high, it went up to the porch railing.

The boys tackled Grandpa.

They went sledding and even tried ice fishing - it was pretty short lived though.
Every President's Day weekend the men in our family go to the cabin for their Man Trip. This year Grandpa Jenkins and Uncle Lee decided to take the boy cousins up in March for a Mini Man Trip. On Thursday they spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa Jenkins house, so they would be ready to go in the morning. They had to use a snow mobile to get to the cabin from the road.

The boys tackled Grandpa.
They went sledding and even tried ice fishing - it was pretty short lived though.
We are the Champions
Saturday, April 10th

Alexis' team, Impact '98, has been playing in 2 leagues for the past 2 months. It has meant having an average of 3 games a week. Last night they won their last game. They finished in 1st place in the Elite League and in 2nd place in the Silver State League. They have really improved and did a great job, but I think we are ready for a break until we start indoor soccer this summer.

Alexis' team, Impact '98, has been playing in 2 leagues for the past 2 months. It has meant having an average of 3 games a week. Last night they won their last game. They finished in 1st place in the Elite League and in 2nd place in the Silver State League. They have really improved and did a great job, but I think we are ready for a break until we start indoor soccer this summer.
Viva Las Vegas
Saturday, March 13th
As native Las Vegans, we very rarely feel the need to go out on the Strip, unless someone is visiting. Well, we had Jacquelynn and her family come through town on the way to a wedding in California. We went down to the Bellagio Arboretum to see the flower display.
The girls loved the giant animals made of different flowers.
We also went to check out the new City Center. It was so windy walking over from the Bellagio. We had heard there were pieces of art displayed around the property, but we had no idea where we were going. We ending up in the shopping area where we found this water display. There were a bunch of tubes with water swirling inside. Inside, we also found out that there was a tram that went back and forth between the hotels. We took the tram back and headed home for a pizza party (The YW in our ward was selling pizzas to earn money for Girl's Camp.)
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