My youngest sister, Jolynn, finally got married December 19
th, 2009. It was really special to have everyone from Jolynn on up in the temple together. Bo was outside with ALL the kids. Good thing the older girls are getting old enough to watch out for the younger ones. It was a nice ceremony and I did tear up a little.

The kids were actually very well behaved and looking very shiny and clean that morning.

Our kids sadly, don't think of our temple when they think temple, because we actually take them to visit the St. George or Salt Lake Temples more often (they have Visitors Centers). I wanted a picture of us in front of our temple, so maybe they can
picture themselves getting married there someday.

disregarded my intense fear of making wedding cakes and asked me to make hers. She found a picture of a cake she loved online. The cake was inspired by a china pattern, hence the woodland animals and horse heads. I finally gave in and said I would make it. Things went fairly well, until the drive to the church. The cake started sliding off the cake board in the car and I was trying to hold it together and was screaming the whole way. When we got there, I had to do a few repairs but it all turned out and Jolynn loved it.
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