We got together for family pictures, right before the Sokols left town. We snuck in a few of the Hill family too.
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Family Photos
Monday, January 2, 2017
We got together for family pictures, right before the Sokols left town. We snuck in a few of the Hill family too.
We got together for family pictures, right before the Sokols left town. We snuck in a few of the Hill family too.
New Year's Eve
Saturday, December 31, 2016
We got together at Ryan's house for games and way too much food. We had been talking about Jack in the Box egg rolls, so Chris made homemade ones and we had a little taste test. It was pretty close.
We got together at Ryan's house for games and way too much food. We had been talking about Jack in the Box egg rolls, so Chris made homemade ones and we had a little taste test. It was pretty close.
Chris had the idea to have a lip sync battle. This was Syd and the aunts performing some Spice Girls.
We rung in the New Year, with sparkling cider and poppers.
The older kids ventured down to the Strip to see all the crazy people and the fireworks.
More Winter Break Fun
Monday, December 26, 2016
Lex had her annual Girls Night with all her HS friends being home from college. They took pics, exchanged gifts, and went to Cheesecake Factory for dinner.
We went the rest of the way to Stateline and the dads and bigger kids rode the Desperado at Buffalo Bill's. Seth said it was really fun.
Lex had her annual Girls Night with all her HS friends being home from college. They took pics, exchanged gifts, and went to Cheesecake Factory for dinner.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
We had more credits on our Game Works card, so we took Seth to play some games. The boys a good time. I watched them for a but, then read my book.
Chris was taking her kids for a night out and took Cam and Seth along. They went skating at the Las Vegas Ice Center, where I broke my wrist last winter. It's fun to see how close Camryn and Zach have gotten the last few months.
They also went to the Bellagio to see the Atrium and the Fountains.
They ended the night with some Canes.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Jack and her family came to town and we wanted to get the grownups together for dinner. This year grownups included all the 18 year olds. We ate at Dirt Dog and it was surprisingly really good.

We didn't want to end the night, so we headed to Stoney's for country dancing and bull riding. Tristan, who was in town for New Year's, was a pretty good country dancer. He and Lex practiced a bit and were able to do a flip.
Everyone, except me and Dave, tried bull riding too. It was pretty fun to watch.
Saturday, December 31, 20016
The Sokol girls were staying at our house and we decided to have a little adventure with them. We went out to see the Rainbow Rocks near Stateline. It was very cold and there were so many people around it felt like you were getting in everyone's way while they were taking pictures.
We went the rest of the way to Stateline and the dads and bigger kids rode the Desperado at Buffalo Bill's. Seth said it was really fun.
Christmas Day 2016
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Despite not leaving cookies for him, Santa came. Lex got a new phone (which had to be returned and we got a different one because it wouldn't hold a charge).
Despite not leaving cookies for him, Santa came. Lex got a new phone (which had to be returned and we got a different one because it wouldn't hold a charge).
Cam got a TV so she can watch movies in her room.
Seht got a nickel board.
We headed over to Ryan's for breakfast and our present exchange.
The cousins opened there presents first. We had gotten Scout clothes and a Pride & Prejudice board book.
Jude got Seth That Thing You Do with the matching sunglasses - he is the drummer.
Grandma gave all the kids pajamas and money.
The kids did their exchange, with Bo getting a Squatty Potty. Jo also found a giant stocking and made Ryan get in it, reminiscent of the big stocking he came home from the hospital in. The whole breakfast and exchange seemed a little less loud and crazy this year. Maybe the kids are growing out of their loud and unruly behavior (I mean mostly Ryan).
With Christmas being on a Sunday, we had sacrament, with Dave speaking. We got together that night for games. We played the Tatum's new game called CodeNames. We loved it. We also had the traditional nachos and Just Dance going in the family room.
Christmas Eve 2016
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Donna came over for a steak dinner on Christmas Eve. Each of us shared a story or video about Christmas after dinner. Lex even shared a poem she wrote. They were good sports about ny request, but as soon as we were done, the kids were ready to open presents.
Donna came over for a steak dinner on Christmas Eve. Each of us shared a story or video about Christmas after dinner. Lex even shared a poem she wrote. They were good sports about ny request, but as soon as we were done, the kids were ready to open presents.
Seth had gotten Alexis candy coal as a joke and wrapped it in a lot of boxes. He thought he was pretty funny.
I got stuff for the house.
The kids made Donna a View Finder that had picture of them on the disk.
Cam mostly got clothes.
Dave got boring stuff from his list too. He had bought himself a new TV the month before, so that was his big present.
Seth got games and an IOU for a Classic Nintendo.
Lex got stuff to do gel nail painting.
The boys worked on some of Seth's legos, while the girls did their nails.
We took a few cute pictures by the roaring fire.
The kids headed to bed without even leaving cookies for Santa. They are definitely growing up too fast.
December Days
Monday, December 5, 2016
Jude is keeping the tradition of taking dance from Ms. Lori alive in the Jenkins Family. We were all excited to go to his recital. He did not exactly do a whole lot of dancing, but he sure was cute.
Monday, December 12, 2016
Cam played in her piano recital. She played The Holly and the Ivy and Jingle Bells
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Since we had taken Cam and Seth to the movies recently, Dave and I decided to have a breakfast date with Lex. We took her to our favorite breakfast spot, Rise and Shine. Mike Boogey, from Big Brother was eating there, so Lex got a selfie with him.
December was busy as always. With the kids getting older and not feeling well most of the time, it felt a little less magical than usual. I miss their true joy and excitement for the season.
Jude is keeping the tradition of taking dance from Ms. Lori alive in the Jenkins Family. We were all excited to go to his recital. He did not exactly do a whole lot of dancing, but he sure was cute.
Monday, December 12, 2016
Cam played in her piano recital. She played The Holly and the Ivy and Jingle Bells
I had the Book Fair in December and needed a fun night out after all that hard work. We went to dinner, then I talked Dave into going to see the musical, La La Land. I loved it and I thought the whole time about how much Cam would love it too. I set up a night for Cam and I to go with Jo and Paul and Sydney and Chase. We bought the soundtrack and have been listening to it on repeat.
Saturday, December 17, 2017
Dave and I were able to attend the Shafers Annual Ugly Sweater Party. We went for dinner and a few games. I was not up to coming up with new sweaters. We just pulled out our old ones.
Monday, December 19, 2016
Cam had plans with a friend and so we took Seth to go see Star Wars: The Force Awakens. We really liked it. Seth had had some instruction from Lex on the proper way to hold hands with a girl. He wanted to talk about whether the two characters at the end were holding hands properly. Funny kid.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Tristan and Lex drove down on Tuesday and we decided to go create a "White Christmas" for the Barlows and the Haycocks.
A few days later they got us back. They used a lot of cute Christmas decorations.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Since we had taken Cam and Seth to the movies recently, Dave and I decided to have a breakfast date with Lex. We took her to our favorite breakfast spot, Rise and Shine. Mike Boogey, from Big Brother was eating there, so Lex got a selfie with him.
That night we hit up Quiver Point with the cousins to look at Christmas lights. Not nearly as many houses were decorated this year. We checked out the lights on Robindale too. The lights there are choreographed to music.
Friday, December 23, 2016
Seth went over to the Tatums for a sleepover with Jude. When they brought him home Friday morning, we had them stay to help us make Christmas cookies. We made Aunt Crysta's Buttermilk cookies and cornflake wreaths that are dyed green.
That night, we finally gave into Seth and went bowling. He had been asking for a while. The first game was fun, then we were all tired of playing by the middle of the second game.
December was busy as always. With the kids getting older and not feeling well most of the time, it felt a little less magical than usual. I miss their true joy and excitement for the season.
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