The theme for camp this year was, "A League of Their Own", a baseball theme. Each ward picked a team name. We were The Las Palmas Legends. I was the ward camp director, so there was a lot of beforehand prep work. I made this flag, and we all made pennants and baseball cards.
We packed up the food and the trailer on Monday - a great way to spend our anniversary! On Tuesday, we were ready to head off to Camp Kolob.
The Maegher girls went in Dave's truck with us. They slept a bit, then we introduced them to Broadway Showtunes. When we got to camp, the girls and I got out at the top of the road that goes into camp and "hiked" down. There were a few stopping places, where the YCL's talked about teamwork and had activities for the girls to do.
We settled into our site. The girls set up their tents and we put up our decorations around our site. Cynjyn made an awesome chore chart.
Sister Cook's hammock went up -
and then it went down. Hard.
We all put on our team shirts, got our picture taken, and ate our dinner provided by the stake - hot dogs and hamburgers.
After dinner, a little yoga was practiced.
We took our giant foam fingers to flag ceremony.
After the flag ceremony, we had a spiritual night hike. At each stop the YCL's gave little talks, sang, or showed videos.
We had to chase the girls to bed - they were too busy playing MASH.
Each morning started with an early breakfast, flag ceremony, and ward scripture study. This year the YCLs organized dress up days. Wednesday was baseball gear day.
I went with the 2nd years, to their 1st activity, rifling.
Cam's a pretty good shot.
After lunch, the 2nd years went to the craft area. They made bags out of old shirts and necklaces out of washers.
While the girls were busy, Dave got a good nap in.
That night, was Ward FHE Night. Sister Haycock gave a lesson about being a good friend and we played a game where you had to guess who was telling the truth and who was lying. It was a good way to get to know each other better.
Thursday was USA Dress Up Day.
Cam & I wore our Hamilton shirts.
That morning, Dave and I took the 2nd years down to repelling. Cam was pretty brave and went right down.
We packed our lunches and headed to the lake for the afternoon. The girls swam and went out in the canoes. I wasn't feeling well, so I stayed in the shade and even managed to nap a little.
The altitude got to Emma and she had a few bloody noses through out the week, but she toughed it out. On the way back to camp, we stopped at the little store and got some sodas.
We had a little down time, so the Bishop helped us memorize the camp scripture. He is very motivating.
That night was skit night. Our skit was based on The Sword in the Stone. In our skit, there was a baseball bat stuck in a scoreboard but it could be taken out by a truly virtuous woman. Cynjyn wrote it and it turned out very cute. After skit time, the YCLs and 4th years took the 1st years snipe hunting. Here is Courtnie with her face all toothpasted up, ready to go. The rest of us played Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and The Name Game.
Friday was Crazy Hair Day - by this time we didn't need much help to have crazy hair, but Sisiter Zezulka outdid us all.
The baldies got their heads colored!
The 2nd years had zip lining Friday morning.
And in the afternoon we had the Certification World Series. Each ward had to run to different camp and pass out certification skills. There were also minute-to-win-it games. All the different activities gave us chances to earn points.
After all the events, we spent an hour clearing out the brush to prevent forest fires.
The Bishopbric made us a steak dinner and gave all the girls Las Palmas pocket knives.
It was a pretty "Legend"ary dinner.
After dinner, we went to flag ceremony. We got there early and our girls practiced being YCLs.
They announced the winners of The Certification World Series at flag ceremony. We won!
That night was testimony meeting and then we went out to lay in the road to look at the stars and tell silly jokes. Then Sister Haycock and I went in the older girl's tent and had some "Circle of Trust" time.
Saturday we packed up and headed out. It was a great week!
June 26 - July 2
Dave went with the Scouts to their camp the next day. It was in California, near Big Bear. The boys earned a lot of merit badges and learned the haka, which they performed for the whole camp on the last night.