December 26-31, 2011
Over our winter break, we spent a lot of time with our cousins. Lee and his family were here for Christmas. The day after, we met up at Sammy's for lunch. Our kids loved the burgers - Uncle Bo would be thrilled. That night, Caden and Mason came over for a sleepover. The next day they went home, leaving us with the flu they had brought with them!

On Thursday, Jacquelynn's family came for a visit. That night, the older kids babysat the the younger ones, while the adults went out to dinner. We went to Lindo Michoacan, it had a great view overlooking the city. It was nice to visit all together. After dinner we decided to go get $1 Fried Oreos at the Fremont Street Experience. It was so smokey and there were a lot of freaks out that night, but it was all part of the experience.

That night, Anna and Juliet spent the night. They watched movies, played, and had a tea party.

Friday night we decided to go see the free circus acts at Circus Circus. We got there - which was a lot of walking for me and my broken foot! - and we waited forever. Camryn started not to feel well, so Dave and I took her home and everyone else stayed and watched an act and then went to the Bellagio and City Center.

Saturday we went to the buffet at Green Valley Ranch with Jolynn and the Sokols. The kids loved it. They ate a little food and a ton of ice cream and their body weight in Jello!