Saturday, June 6, 2015
Robbie had his Eagle Scout Court on Honor. I offered to make a cake for one of his big upcoming events and he asked me to make this one. I made each Rank Advancement Patch and the Eagle Scout Emblem out of fondant. It took a lot of hand painting and cutting out little details.
The Court of Honor was a nice ceremony and a wonderful way to celebrate all the hard work it took to achieve this accomplishment.
Monday, June 8, 2015
On Monday, Alexis attended Robbie graduation ceremony at the New Orleans Hotel. Chris was there and took a few very cute pictures of these two.
Robbie got his mission call that day too. It was perfect, so he could open his call with all his family there for the graduation. He had people over to watch him open his call and had us guess where we thought he would be sent and mark it on a big map. Seth and I looked up where the shortest people are - Cambodia. We guessed he would go there because we thought picture of him (Robbie is 6'4) with tiny Cambodians would be funny.
Lex had guessed he would be called somewhere on the East Coast. She was right. Robbie will be serving in the Virginia Richmond Mission.
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