Monday, September 3, 2018

Labor Day Hike

Monday, September 3, 2018

We decided to get up early to hike on our day off. We drove down near the lake and took the path to the old railroad tunnels. It was an easy hike, which was perfect since I was still a little weak from my surgery. It was a nice day and we enjoyed being outdoors. 


You can’t go through Boulder City without stopping at A&W for floats. The secret is that they make them in frosty cold mugs. 

Later that afternoon we went to see Operation Finale about agents hunting down Nazis in South America after WW2. 

Sunday, September 2, 2018

1st Day of School

Monday, August 13, 2018
Dave, Year 18
Monoco MS, 6th Grade Computer Teacher

Jen, Year 13
Hummel ES, Librarian

Camryn, 10th Grade
Liberty HS

Cam moved to Liberty to "study Italian" and go to school with her friends.
She goes to Taylor Tomson's house after school each day until I can pick her up.

Seth, 7th Grade
Schofield MS

Seth got one of the two percussion spots in Jazz Band.
The class is before school.

We celebrated the first day with a dinner at Macayos.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Lex finally got into Weber State. She applied really late and had trouble getting all her transcripts sent over. She is excited to be a Wildcat - I think she has wanted to be a Wildcat ever since she saw High School Musical when she was 8.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Lex started school. She is taking Sociology, Social Work, and Criminal Justice.

August Happenings

Monday, August 6, 2018

Lex's new friend, Haley, took some pics of her at the railroad tracks.

Friday, August 17, 2018

I won 2 tickets to see Reba McIntyre and Brooks and Dunn from work. I took Holly Mitchell. Debbie Witt (my new library assistant) and her husband, Bill had seats next to us. It's amazing that I remember all the words to songs I haven't heard in 20 years.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

We spent Saturday morning visiting Grandma Hein and we stopped at Lucy's Waffles and Ice Cream on the way back. The waffles were crispy and the ice cream was Thrifty's.

Lex had a work activity playing kickball at the park. She loves working at the Kaysville Orange Theory and made two new friends, Haley and Emma.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Cam received her Patriarchal Blessing from Patriarch Dwain Thatcher. It was awesome to be there and to feel the Spirit and I look forward to see all the wonderful things Cam will achieve in her life.  

We had a family dinner before Chase went back to school in Idaho and lee moved his family across the country to South Carolina. The most exciting part of the dinner was Bo and Abigail's announcement that they are expecting - TWINS! These two will arrive in March. 


EFY - Choose Joy

July 23-28. 2018

Cam attended EFY with Sydney James. The theme was Choose Joy. They had lessons, games, dances, and spent time checking out boys for a whole week at BYU.

Game Night with Bailey COW in the background

Modesty check

Cam's Compamy

Kennedy, Sage, Sydney, and Cam

Sydney, Annie, Ava, Cam, Kennedy, and Sage

Cam and the Boys

Cam's Company

Cam and Sydney

Annie and Cam

Kate, Cam, Madelyn, Grace

Kate and Cam

Cam and Grace

Cam and Liza

Cam and Olivia

July Happenings

July 17, 2018

We visited IHOP for 99 cent pancake day.

July 18, 2018

It was my turn to host book club. I chose America's First Daughter, a historical fiction book about Patsy Jefferson. In honor of the part of the book that takes place in France, I made crepes and had several fruity toppings to choose from.

I started working on school stuff. There is a camp theme throughout the school this year and I made the library Camp Read S'More with beagle scout Snoopy as our mascot.

July 27-29

Lex sent a few days with Tristan and his family at their cabin in Yellowstone.